Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Car maker increase price

Hyundai, the carmaker from South Korea, have increased the price of its Hyundai Avega, the 1500 cc sedan. This elevation of new sedans, the prize in October 2008 was Rp. ~ Rp 102,750,000. Increased to Rp 132,000,000. ~ Rp 118,000,000. 147,850,000.

Suzuki, however, was unable to withstand the impact of the decline in the value of the Indonesian rupiah against the Japanese Yen. As a result, the Suzuki Baleno Neo had to increase by 30,000,000 to 206,000,000 rupees billion rupees (MT) and Rp 217,000,000 (OM). The price of venda Suzuki Swift rupees. ~ Rp 137,000,000. Change to 160,000,000 Rp 186,500,000 ~ 163,000,000 rupees.

In the first 3 months of 2009, the rate of the Indonesian rupiah is still considered to be unstable. When he wrote this article, the rupee is still selling Indonesia Rp 11,500 / € 1. Thus, the increase in prices of retail sales of automobiles in 2009 is very likely.

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